October 1st was the end of what is called "Buddhist lent", which is the rainy season in Thailand when the monks must remain in their temples and not travel. This practice dates back to when roads were not paved and travel was difficult. In modern times, it has marked the beginning of the "high season" when seasonal tourists return to Thailand as the rains end and the temperatures cool and humidity is lower, especially here in the north of Thailand.
However, 2020 is a year unlike any other. Later this month, Thailand will experiment with permitting several hundred tourists to enter from areas with low-to-no Covid-19 to go to designated areas where they must quarantine for two weeks. Chiang Mai is not one of those areas and the economic devastation continues. Every day, more and more businesses close for good as they lose the struggle to remain open. Let's hope the experiment in admitting tourists from low-risk areas goes well and the Thai government permits more to come. Sadly, it looks like our members stranded overseas will be there for many months since they are in high-Covid areas.
Yet, those of us remaining have launched a new project and continue with our current projects to improve children's health, safety and education. Pour your favorite beverage and settle in to read this month's Bulletin. You can better enjoy each story if you click on the story's title, where you'll be taken to a webpage where it is displayed.