It was a year ago that the first cases of Covid-19 outside of China were found in Thailand, initially with Chinese tourists and eventually with a Thai taxi driver who served the Bangkok airports. The Thai government acted quickly, largely listening to the advice of public health officials and life here in Thailand hasn't been the same. As CP Roger writes in his message, below, our projects continued but our budget and members who remained in the country were stretched thin as the needs of the local people grew and we found ourselves funding initiatives that we hadn't anticipated.
For Chiang Mai International Rotary Club (CMIRC), the past year has been a roller coaster ride, much like the up and down twists of the Chinese dragon that used to be a prominent and popular feature of Chinese New Year parades back when such celebrations were permitted. Our Facebook page is a good chronicle of how much our world has changed, from a happy fundraising Duck Race last February to feeding out-of-work local folks, and now welcoming new and returning members.
As I write each month, pour your favorite beverage and settle in for this month's activity report -- somewhat curtailed by the "Second Wave" restrictions that appear to be on the wane, thanks once again to good public health measures. You can best view each story by clicking on the story's title.