Firstly we have to say big thank you to Gary Herman who has donated to our Teddy Initiative.
We have packed off three teddies to the Burma Children Medical Fund B. K. Kee House for new patients and their caregivers, with two boxes going to the clinic at Mae Sot.
As you know, teddies are very important playing significant roles in everyone’s lives, giving, joy, peace, friendship and love. Teddies have played a national role in the Netherlands. Below is a story from
A Teddy in Every Window: Dutch Children Take Up Bear Hunting, from, March 27, 2020
Ground floor windows in Utrecht, Amsterdam, Delft and elsewhere are filling up with teddy bears as their owners join a craze to keep children busy during coronavirus crisis.
Inspired by the popular children’s book ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury, the bears are meant to cheer up young children and their parents who are being kept indoors.
‘I read about the success in Belgium, and I thought we have to do it in the Netherlands too,’ Petra van der Stelt, from Delft, told Trouw. Now more than 9,000 people have registered their bears on the Facebook page Van der Stelt set up.
You can also follow the bears on Google maps and work out a bear-spotting route in advance, if their owners have registered them. The aim is to give children some fun while out for a walk, says Van der Stelt. However, she warns, families should be careful to keep to the official guidelines and not go hunting in groups. Read more at
Watch this space for the next update when I will share about another important responsibility Teddies have nationally.
There is news in this Bulletin of a very important person who received a Teddy in February; see if you can find.
You can help the CMIRC's Teddy Initiative by donating a Teddy or funds to the CMIRIC Bangkok Bank account.
Name of account: Mrs. Nancy Long Lindley and Mr. John Kealey Schorr Account Number: 531-090222-5, Please send a notice of your funds donation to the club treasurer, Nancy, to for proper credit.