PDG Mike Andritch of RC Fig Garden (Fresno) reports that fund raising has reached USD 88,000 and he fully expects to be over $100,000 by the end of February.

This breaks down as:
Rotary Clubs in District 5230
Visalia County Center Rotary Club: $15,000
Fig Garden Rotary Club: $21,000
Salinas Rotary Club $1,000
East Fresno Rotary Club: $15,000
Fresno Rotary Club: $15,000
Marina Rotary Club: $1,050
Visalia Breakfast Rotary Club: $15,000
Rotary Clubs in District 5300
Arcadia Rotary Club: $5,000
He is confident that they will surpass the goal to raise $100,000 from clubs matched by Districts and the Rotary Foundation to reach the ultimate goal of $280,000.