Maternal and child care is one of Rotary’s main causes. Rotary makes health care available to vulnerable mothers and children so they can live longer and grow stronger.
It is estimated that close to six million children under the age of five die each year because of malnutrition, inadequate health care, and poor sanitation, all of which could be prevented. Rotary clubs and districts dedicate their efforts to improve access to quality care so that mothers and children can have long-serving opportunities for a healthy future. Projects to support mothers and children include mobile prenatal clinics, cancer screening, immunizations, and training on how to protect themselves and their children from disease.
Several projects highlight innovative solutions that provide health care to mothers and children:
· Nigeria averages only one physician for every 2,500 people and creative solutions are needed to expand health care reach. Read about how innovative integration of telehealth medicine have helped those living in rural Nigeria.
· Brazil has experienced high infant mortality rates and several Rotary clubs partnered together to provide solutions. Read about how a Rotary club partnership led to an increase in resources for incubators and access to neonatal intensive care units at the Dr. Leopoldo Bevilacqua Regional Hospital in Brazil’s Ribeira Valley.
Throughout April, Maternal and Child Health Month, help us support this main Rotary cause. You can get involved in the following ways:
Join the Reproductive Maternal and Child Health Rotary Action Group
Join the Clubfoot Rotary Action Group
Access detailed project planning guidance for a club or district project to save mothers and children
See how Rotary and Rotaract clubs are bringing health care and more to mothers and children over the world in Rotary Showcase and post about your club’s successes. Showcase also helps you find an international project to support.
Read stories about maternal and child health projects on the Rotary Voices blog and the Service in Action blog.