District Governor Surasak complimented the many interesting projects the club runs, such as the Children’s Water Safety project and the Sight program. “It makes your heart happy to give to the people who are less fortunate,” he added. The governor also challenged all of us to contribute to the rotary foundation “because the money will come back to your club” in the form of matching grants for future projects. To that end, he gave each member an “owl” bank in which to save our coins. The governor chose the owl, he said, because it’s wise, it has good understanding, and it has a big stomach! We have scientifically proven the owl can hold over ฿3,000 worth of 10 baht coins.
District Governor’s Meeting with the Board
Here are the highlights of the meeting before the meeting with District Governor Surasak and Assistant Governor Yaowapa:
1. CMIRC is encouraged to send photographs and news articles to the district newsletter editor and the Thailand Rotary magazine editor. We thanked him for these opportunities. (DG Surasak)
2. When reporting club attendance to the district, our current method using the report from Club Runner is acceptable (AG Yaowapa).
3. DG Surasak stressed the importance of members donating to Rotary International. There are several options on Rotary International. We explained our current program where a part of every member’s dues goes to RI. We also explained that the club has donated to Polio Plus. DG Surasak reminded us that EYER counts for DDF credit, but Polio Plus does not.
4. DG Surasak acknowledged that 57% of our club has an account on myrotary.org. While this meets the minimum standard of 50% established for eligibility for the Presidential Citation Award, we may be able to do even better.
5. CMIRC has been encouraged to put our projects on Rotary Showcase.
6. DG Surasak asked about any plans to become involved in New Generation activities such as Interact (high school level). He suggested we consider teaming with other clubs to sponsor an Interact Club. In order to be eligible for the Presidential Citation a club must be involved in at least one joint project with at least 5 clubs. Interact would qualify.
7. DG Surasak suggested that we apply for a district grant of around $2,000 USD to support the Children’s Water Safety project.