The regular every other Sunday morning visits by club members to the patients and their families at Burma Children Medical Fund's B.K. Kee Patient House here in Chiang Mai have resumed with visits every two weeks. See Bill's story, above.
On the first and third Fridays of the month, club members attended the Chiang Mai Expats Club breakfasts to promote CMIRC and swap "Change for Children" owl banks. Also, we promoted CMIRC at CEC's first monthly General Meeting since before the pandemic on September 26. A stuffed owl bank was returned by club supporter Preston, (pictured above with Treasurer Nancy).
Tuesday, September 1 at our regular club meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel, the program was presented by Rotarian Niwatchai on "The Avocado Garden Project: Sustainable Agriculture in Mae Hong Song."
Wednesday, September 9 our monthly 9@9 ZOOM meeting at 9 PM to stay in contact with club members who are presently isolated in overseas, unable to return to Thailand.
Tuesday, September 15 at 7 PM our CMIRC regular club meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel where BEAM Deputy Director Ko Phyo (pictured above, with CP Roger) spoke about the vocational and higher education preparation and scholarship programs for migrants at BEAM's Chiang Mai center.
Tuesday, September 22 at 1:00 PM, we had our monthly Board Meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel.
Friday, September 25, we conducted the training session for the CMIRC School Vision Screening Project at The Royal Peninsula Hotel. This was in preparation for weekly screening sessions starting on October 8th at the Wat Suan Dok School and later at the eleven tessaban schools in Chiang Mai for all 3rd and 5th graders.
Friday, September 25, was the last Friday of the month “Let’s Talk Rotary” informal lunch gathering at The Royal Peninsula Hotel.
Tuesday, September 29, we enjoyed the Service Recognition Dinner at the Gymkhana Club.