Daily November clothing pickups at local Makro and Rimping Supermarkets.
Tuesday, November 1st, the CMIRC first Tuesday of the month regular meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel where we had a Halloween-themed Trivia Night and the induction of our new member Robert Seelig.
Wednesday, November 2nd the School Vision Screening Project was at the Wat Pa Phaeng Municipal School.
Saturday, November 5th the CMIRC Charity Golf Ball Drop at the Horizon Village in conjunction with the Chiang Mai Expats Club (CEC) Annual Barbeque.
Friday, November 11th the Children’s Water Safety & Drowning Prevention Project committee meeting at Bronco Kids Sport Club for planning of remainder of the year.
Sunday, November 13th ZOO
M meeting with possible Children’s Water Safety & Drowning Prevention Project grant from the Rotary Club of Seattle 4.
Tuesday, November 15th the CMIRC third Tuesday of the month regular meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel. John Hulme, documentary photographer presented the program.
Wednesday, November 16th the school Vision Screening Project was at the Wat Tha Sa Toi Municipal School.
Friday, November 18th CEC Breakfast Club at The Duke’s Ruam Chok where members had owls for adoption and club trifolds. (
Monday, November 21st CMIRC Board meeting on ZOOM.
Wednesday, November 23rd the School Vision Screening Project was at the Wat Dok Ngern Municipal School.
Thursday, November 24th and Friday, November 25th dropping of Winter Clothing Appeal daily pickup donations at the BCMF B.K. Kee Patient House.
Saturday, November 26th CMIRC had a community sponsor table at the CEC General Meeting where we displayed CMIRC information, talked with perspective members and placed Owl Banks for adoption.
Saturday, November 26th CMIRC had an information display and owl adoption table at the CityLife Garden Fair 2022 at the Boonthavorn Private Garden.
Monday, November 28th pre-induction meeting on ZOOM with perspective member Owen Hodgson.
Wednesday, November 29th School Vision Screening Project at the Wat Sri Donchai Municipal School.