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Roger Lindley

What You May Have Missed in June

The regular every Sunday morning visits by club members to the patients and their families at Burma Children Medical Fund's B.K. Kee Patient House here in Chiang Mai have been put on hold due to Covid-19. Rotarians Bill and Nick are dropping by their gate every other Sunday with basic essential supplies.

The weekly Monday, Tuesday and Friday English Language Cultural Club sessions at the BEAM Educational Foundation have halted due to the end of the academic year at BEAM and concerns about Covid-19. BEAM is tentatively scheduled to resume sessions in early September.

On the first and third Fridays of the month, club members normally attend the Chiang Mai Expats Club breakfasts and their monthly meeting on the 4th Saturday of the month to promote CMIRC and swap "Change for Children" owl banks. CEC has suspended all meetings because of Covid-19.

Tuesday, Jun 2 at 7:00 PM Shayne Rochfort presented the regular program via ZOOM on the topic: “Some Thoughts on Road Fatality Statistics in Thailand” (right).

Friday, June 5, We had our English-language District Training Assembly at the Royal Peninsula Hotel.

Thursday, June 11 Rotarians Aree, John, Clarence and Roger met with the staff at Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development (RCID) to discuss a needs assessment in Northern Thailand related to a possible Global Grant for a Vocational Training Team from The Rotary Club of Melton Mowbray in UK (with the support of 85 Rotary Clubs in UK District 1070) to visit in RY 2021-2022.

Tuesday, June 16 at 7:00 PM Dr Lorel Mayberry presented the program via ZOOM on the topic “Mooditj and Education Scholarships for Hill Tribe Young People”.

Tuesday, June 23 at 1:00 PM, we had our monthly Board Meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel practicing proper small group social distancing and hygiene.

Friday, June 26 at 1:00 PM Rotarians gathered at Bronco Kids Sport Club to assemble 100 food boxes for delivery to Wat Ket Karam school (above, left).

Sunday, June 28 Rotarians met at 8:00 AM at Bronco Kids Sport Club to load and deliver 100 food boxes for delivery to needy families at Wat Ket Karam school (above, right).

Tuesday, June 30 we had a ZOOM Club Assembly.


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