CMIRC members were not able to have their regular every other Sunday morning visits to the patients and their families at Burma Children Medical Fund B.K. Kee Patient House here in Chiang Mai where members socialize, play games, bring food and engage in craft projects with the patients and their families during May because the Patient House was closed to visitors during the upsurge in Covid-19 cases in Chiang Mai.
The first and third Fridays of the month Chiang Mai Expats Club breakfasts, where we promote CMIRC and swap "Change for Children" owl banks, were cancelled due for May to the upsurge in the Covid-19 cases in Chiang Mai.
Saturday, July 3, District 3360 Installation Ceremony of Club Presidents and Boards of Directors for Rotary Year 2021- 2022 at the Chiang Mai Grandview Hotel.
Tuesday, July 6, first regular club meeting of the month was held on ZOOM. President Dylan (above) shared his life story and vision for CMIRC in RY 2021-2022.
Friday, July 9, at 9 PM we had our 9@9 ZOOM meeting to stay in touch with our club members wherever they may be in the world.
Tuesday, July 20, a regular club meeting was held on ZOOM. The program was presented by Dave McComas, president of the Chiang Mai Expats Club, on the topic “Leadership and the Chiang Mai Expats Club Work with Children”. (Pictured, right, is food donated by CEC for out-of-work local people.)
Sunday, July 25, the ZOOM District 3360 Virtual District Conference and District Recognition Awards. The club was recognized with award of the RI Presidential Citation, Every Rotarian Every Year (EREY) Banner, the 100% Foundation Giving Banner and for our efforts in promoting children’s safety, health and education in Northern Thailand.
Tuesday, July 27, the CMIRC Board Meeting on ZOOM.