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CMI Rotary

Update from the BCMF B.K. Kee Patient House

We visited the Burma Children Medical Fund's B. K. Kee Patient House on three Sundays in October. It’s wonderful to have Bill Pierce back in Chiang Mai. His interaction with the children is wonderful to watch. On 27 October we met a new patient. She is six years old and has medical problems. While Sap Po (at right in the photo) is very outgoing and playful, the young child next to her is very shy. She really likes the Play-Doh modeling clay and was happy to show us the princess she made. Everyone was very happy to see her smile.

Many times we go to the house hoping to make the children happy and leave realizing that they do more for us than we do for them. Happiness costs nothing. We give a little love and receive a lot back! We welcome the chance to include other members of CMIRC. Usually, we try to have about four people go each time. If we have many patients, we can have more visitors -- we know week by week. CMIRC members have first choice to go. You may email for any questions or suggestions. All members of CMIRC have already signed the Child Protection Policy. Visitors are required to sign the same document. It is available at on CMIRC Website. I will have copies available.

We visit the house most Sundays, usually meeting at pump Shell on Huay Kaew road at 10:30 a.m. We usually stay at the house until 12:30 or a bit later. Check the CMIRC Calendar to confirm. Time and days may change depending on the requirements of the B.K.Kee House. In the future we are still planning possible projects with both the Rotaract and Interact clubs. Also, if we can find them, there may be a water balloon contest coming soon.


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