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The B. K. Kee Patient House in December

CMI Rotary

The December visits to the Burma Children Medical Fund's B. K. Kee Patient House were very good. We said goodbye to patients who were returning to their homes and welcomed new ones. At the end of the month we had five children and twelve adults resident at the house.

The high point for December was the Christmas Party on December 22. Many of CMIRC members and friends made donations and/or brought gifts to the Christmas Party. It was a big success. Everyone had a great time. Rtn. Bill decided to introduce the patients to bingo. They loved it and I’m sure it will be played often. Mwe Kham brought home-made Burmese Green Tea Salad which was very popular. Moshe brought knitted hats, made by his partner.

Kanchana Thornton, Director of BCMF, recently wrote: Below is how one of our patient's felt about her stay in Chiang Mai and your visit.

“I felt very lonely when I was admitted at the hospital, but I felt warm and happy at the patient house,” she wrote. “I especially enjoyed playing games with the other patients [that were organised by the Chiang Mai International Rotary Club]. We loved the snacks that they brought us and enjoyed talking with them.”

We visit the house most Sundays, usually meet at the Shell petrol station on Huay Kaew road at 10:30 a.m. We usually stay at the house until 12:30 or a bit later. Check the CMIRC Calendar to confirm. Time and days may change depending on the requirements of the B. K. Kee House.

I really appreciate all the support I have been given over the past 6 months, but it’s time for me to rotate. Rtn Bill Pierce will be the Project Champion from January forward. I will remain as a person who will support the project and visit the house as often as I can.


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