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School Vision Screening Project Set to Start


Great news to report about the restarting of our CMIRC School Vision Screening Project for poor children in Chiang Mai. We have now trained a team of over twenty members, including Dylan and Nick (left), and are ready to begin our screening and prescriptions program for poor school children in Chiang Mai. We will begin by screening children in cooperation with our partners in the project at Rotary Club of Chiang Mai Wattana at the Wat Suan Dok School. Planning visits to the school show all is ready to begin to screen all 3rd and 5th-graders at the school on Thursday, October 8. Those children who exhibit vision problems during the screening will then see our optician partner Khun One from Wen One Optic for an on-site examination and prescription, if needed.

After screening at the Wat Suan Dok School, we will provide vision screening for all 3rd and 5th grade students at the eleven Tessaban (Municipal) Schools in Chiang Mai, during the rest of 2020 and the beginning of 2021. The schools where we screen are those where the poorest families send their children. This program is being made possible by the very generous donation from the Rotary Club of Spokane #21; their gift to the children of Chiang Mai will cover all costs with the exception of the children’s frames. One thousand, high quality New Balance children’s frames have been donated by Eyewear Designs Limited of Bethpage, NY, USA.

Our School Vision Screening Team:


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