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Looking Forward to School Vision Screening Starting in November 2021

John Schorr

Unfortunately, due to the continued resurgence of Covid-19 in Thailand, we will have to delay our screenings until schools reopen and a sufficient number of our CMIRC volunteer screeners have been vaccinated. We look forward to screening all 3rd and 5th graders at the eleven municipal schools and the Wat Suan Dok School this fall (we hope in November), in partnership with Optician Khun One at Chom Jun Optic, the Rotary Club of Chiang Mai Wattana, and, if pediatric ophthalmological surgery is needed, the Rotary Club of Chiang Mai North.

We are tentatively planning school vision screening volunteer training for the first week of November. We are certain that the schools will only allow fully vaccinated volunteers to screen children in the schools. So, if you are interested, have time to volunteer for 3 to 4 hours during 1 or 2 school days/week, and you will be fully vaccinated by November 1, please contact Project Champion John Schorr at Members of CMIRC have priority, but in the past, we have also used Rotarians from other clubs, Rotaractors, and friends of Rotary. We would like all 2021-2022 volunteers to come to the training session, even those who volunteered last year.

Once again, we’d like to take this opportunity to recognize the generous support of our partners, sponsors and donors, so here is a list of these generous organizations, beginning with the Rotary Club of Spokane 21 whose donation of $2,500 this year will fund about 80% of our program! THANK YOU ROTARY CLUB of SPOKANE 21!

The total program budget for next year is estimated at about $3,000 US dollars, so we are still about $500 dollars short. If you wish to learn how you can help, please contact Project Champion John Schorr at or tel.: +66 (0)8 5030 2143, US Skype # 386 490-8100

Our 2021-2022 School Vision Screening Donor Team:


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