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2021 Children's Winter Clothing Appeal Most Successful Yet

There is always a bittersweet sentiment when an adventure ends, and this is how we feel now that the collection phase of the Children's Winter Clothing Appeal 2021 wrapped up on December 1. Learning from previous experience, we did not worry about the quantity this year. We were not disappointed in the slightest. The response was INCREDIBLE! Chiang Mai residents once again showed us when there is a need in the community, they will come together to help children, youth, and families.

Also, we have received help from fellow CMIRC Rotarians Secretary Nick and Speaker Chair Clarence and other friends, which we greatly appreciate. In addition to delivering quality meals, Chef Brian Pern and husband Manoon from Pern's Foods Home Delivery have been selflessly helping us collect clothes from those they deliver to. They drove to President Dylan’s house (an hour outside of the city) to deliver 30 very special knit pullovers for young children. Thank you, Brian, Manoon, and mystery donor!

We started the distribution of donations in the middle of October. The timing was right since temperatures dropped below 10°C on Doi Inthanon, the highest mountain of Thailand. The Chiang Mai International Rotary Club has so far distributed donations to the remote Lua village of Phou Khe in Nan Province near the Laos border; a 300-member Palong hill tribe on Doi Ang Khang mountain in Nor Lea, Fang district in Chiang Mai Province; and a 500-member Lahu hill tribe in Ban Huai Ya Sai, in Mae Suai District of Chiang Rai Province, on the dangerous Myanmar border.

Our valued project partner Philanthropy Connections Foundation sent us on a mission to Mae Ai, Chiang Mai Province. President Dylan finished delivering winter clothes, shoes, and toys to the Huai Muang Nursery School in Mae Na Wang while I was writing this story. He drove out to the location with 56 bags weighing 748.94 kg in total, filled with joy and excitement. The double truckload included donations from the Interact Club of Chiang Mai International School (CMIS). In December, President Dylan will be distributing your generous donations to hill tribes, migrant, and refugee villages throughout Northern Thailand. Please follow the CMIRC Facebook Page to stay up-to-date on where we deliver.

We want to thank all the donors for making this year's donations drive possible. You are amazing! Your contributions lit up many children's and adults' faces. Our special thanks go to Rimping Supermarket and Makro for allowing us to place donation boxes on their premises.

Since our 2021 Children's Winter Clothing Appeal has ended, we kindly ask you not to leave further donations at Rimping or Makro stores. If you still have spare clothes, we recommend taking them to the Free Bird Cafe Donation Center.

The donation boxes will go out again on October 15, 2022. See you then!


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