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Roger Lindley

Rotary Focus for the Month of July: None Designated

July is the start of new Rotary officers' year of service. These officers are those serving at the club, district and Rotary International levels.

In preparation for the upcoming Rotary Year, District Governor Elects and District Governor Nominees have attended annual training sessions in the USA.

Incoming District and club officers have attended District Training Assemblies (DTA’s) to learn about their roles, responsibilities and resources.  Our club's is shown, right, after their English-language DTA.  We've all been in Chiang Mai province, free of Covid-19 for over two months and able to gather.  The Thai clubs in the district are from many provinces, some not as free of Covid-19 as long as Chiang Mai province, so their Thai-language DTA was conducted on-line.

Rotary International, District and club strategic plans and goals have been reviewed and revised as needed.

District chairpersons have been appointed and these Chairs have selected those Rotarians in their district they wish to serve on their committees.

Club chair persons have been selected and they have asked their club members to serve on their committees.

Clubs or groups of clubs will have organized installation events for their incoming officers and boards and to recognize outgoing officers and board members. In this unique year of Covid-19 pandemic, these events will probably not be the same as those before Covid-19.


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