A Rotarian Action Group is an autonomous group of Rotarians, family members, program participants and alumni who are experts in a particular field, such as microcredit or water and sanitation. Group members share their expertise by collaborating with clubs and districts on service projects.
To start a group, you need at least fifty prospective members representing at least five countries. Prospective groups are reviewed by the RI Board of Directors. Contact actiongroups@rotary.org for help with your proposal.

Visit the website of the relevant Rotarian Action Group to learn more:
Addiction Prevention www.rag-ap.org AIDS and Family Health www.rfha.org Alzheimer’s and Dementia http://adrag.org/ Blindness Prevention www.rag4bp.org Blood Donation https://ourblooddrive.org/ Clubfoot www.rag4clubfoot.org Diabetes www.rag-diabetes.org Disaster Assistance www.dna-rag.com Domestic Violence Prevention www.ragfamsafe.org Endangered Species www.endangeredrag.org Environmental Sustainability www.esrag.org Food Plant Solutions http://foodplantsolutions.org Health Education and Wellness www.hewrag.org Hearing www.ifrahl.org
Hepatitis https://ragforhepatitiseradication.org Literacy www.litrag.org Malaria www.remarag.org Mental Health http://ragonmentalhealth.org Microfinance & Community Development http://ragm.org Multiple Sclerosis www.rotary-rfmsa.org Peace www.rotarianactiongroupforpeace.org Polio Survivors and Associates https://rotarypoliosurvivors.org/ Population and Development www.rifpd.org Preconception Care www.raghphc.org Slavery Prevention https://ragas.online/ (image, above, is from a seminar the Slavery Prevention RAG organized in 2016) Water and Sanitation www.wasrag.org