With the partial easing of Covid restrictions, August has seen more activity in our projects as described below.

Four and one quarter of us attended the District 3360 Vibrant Club Workshop in Uttaradit: myself, Foundation Chair Roger, Membership Chair Viki, Rtn Aree and our Inspiration Officer Areeya (right). To learn more about Rotary International Foundation's Global Grants see Roger's contribution, below. And to be inspired about new membership options, see Viki's contribution about "Expanding the Rotary Family", below.
My key takings from the workshops are that CMIRC must be prepared to innovate, that Rotary International is recognizing this in allowing more flexibility in procedures, and that membership is of paramount importance.
We are aiming to be more involved in District events such as the one above and also to work more closely with local Thai Rotary Clubs. In relation to the latter, visits were made to meetings of RC Chiang Mai Airport and RC Chiang Mai.
At left, I'm with Rtn Aree, Inspiration Officer Areeya and PP Pinyo Duangcham of RC Chiang Mai Airport. And, at right with CMIRC Secretary Nick and P Yada Thamprasert of RC Chiang Mai.
August gave us two great presentations, Joey Tell of the Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development (RICD) on the Wheelchair Project and Past President Jerry Nelson on Preventing Human Trafficking and the work of the Rotary Action Group Against Slavery.
At left, Secretary Nick talks with Joey Tell of RICD and at right, Jerry Nelson shares the stage with CP Pong of RC Wattana, his partner with RAGAS education projects.
Cultivating a Peace Culture in Ban San Pakwan School, Hang Dong, Chiang Mai
CMIRC is the local coordinator and key institutions involved are the Peace and Culture Foundation led by Rotary Peace Fellow Dr. Sombat Tapanya, the Rotary Club of Bangkok and Rotary Clubs in Taiwan.

Aikido training is now underway for students at the school. This will provide students not only with skills for self defense but also for self discipline and non-violence.
Future meetings are planned with parents and teachers, teachers to respect the rights of students, and change their approach towards discipline, and parents will be taught that there are other ways to get children to obey other than by shouting at them, hitting them or through corporal punishment.