We survived the rainy season and are now entering into the cold season of November through January with a double celebration at the end of October of both Halloween and a much-scaled back Loy Krathong Festival. Businesses and people in Northern Thailand still remain under stresses created by the Covid-19 pandemic. A third of our membership remains “locked-out” of Thailand due to Covid-19.
Our service project involvement in our community has been quite intense with the Children's Water Safety and Drowning Prevention Project (CWS&DPP) currently underway here and in Phrao. Our newly initiated CMIRC School Vision Screening Project (CSVP) came on with a roar due to the Tessaban schools wanting all students screened before the end of the year (with an intervening one-month November interval of no screening due to school exam and holiday schedules). The goal is to screen all 3rd and 5th grade students in all eleven Tessaban schools before the end of this calendar year. In addition, our annual Children’s Winter Clothing and School Supplies Project has kicked off with the start of cold season. You will read more about these projects, with more detail, from the project champions.
Our involvement continues with the Burma Children Medical Fund's BCMF B.K.Kee Patient House and with The BEAM Education Foundation. The B.K. Kee Patient House has returned to near normal. The BEAM Foundation is still evaluating the role our members can play in their new “remote learning “environment.
Our officers and committee leadership need to be identified for the RY 2021-2022. The following positions have persons nominated to fill the position: President – Dylan Thomason; Secretary – Nick Dale; Treasurer – Nancy Lindley; Foundation Chair – Roger Lindley; Youth Programs Director – Chili Humphrey; Membership Chair – Viki Thomason; Public Image Chair – Roger Lindley. The following positions need to be filled: Service Projects Committee Chair and the Fundraising Committee Chair.
A reminder on several upcoming events. The first is the Inter-City meeting on the afternoon of November 28th and morning of November 29th at the Garden Resort, Muang District, Lampang Province. I sent an email to all members about this event and if interested in attending please contact me. The other is the opening ceremony for GG 2010441 – Cultivating Sustainable Peace Culture in School on Tuesday, December 8th at 2:00 PM at Ban Sanphakwan School in Hang Dong. Our club provided 500 USD of our District Dedicated Funding (DDF) in support of this project. Other partners in this project will visit from Rotary Club of Bangkok and Rotary Club of Dhonburi. For more information please contact me or IPP John.