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Mae Tao Clinic in December

CMI Rotary

The Mae Tao Clinic with its Child Protection Department and Child Development Center is the oldest project of Chiang Mai International Rotary Club. Those interested in the history are invited to read past bulletins and the running story on our website. Also, please visit Mae Tao Clinic’s website

November was a time for planning

On the 21st of November, we had a brainstorming lunch in Chiang Mai for those interested in supporting the Mae Tao Clinic. People who care about the clinic, not just Rotarians, gathered to discuss possible ways we could better support the Mae Tao Clinic. Knowing that the Mae Tao Clinic’s needs are constantly changing and that often their donors earmark money for particular departments or projects, CMIRC always consults with MTC prior to making any commitment.

30 Years ++ The MTC 30TH Anniversary book is now available for a nominal donation of only 800 THB. (cover shown, above) A preview is available at I will take pre-paid orders in Chiang Mai and deliver them 4 January when I return from the next tour.

The Mae Tao Clinic supports Burmese migrants and citizens through health care, training, child protection and education. Everyone is invited and encouraged to support this marvelous organization!


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