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Roger Lindley

Club Partnerships via Sister Club/Twin Club Agreement

Having sister club/twin club arrangements is within the scope of International Service where such initiatives can create better understanding and goodwill through joint activities and community projects.

Twin clubs, or sister clubs, are two clubs from different countries that form a long-term relationship to promote international understanding and goodwill and carry out service projects in their communities. When looking for a partner, consider clubs that:

  • Share similar interests, challenges or history

  • You’ve worked with in the past

  • Are located in a place that matches your club’s service interests

  • Speak a common language

Clubs need to know their objectives for a sister/twin club agreement to avoid possible misunderstanding later.

Clubs intending to have a sister/twin club should send their club profile to each other so that an assessment of the suitability of the clubs can be done.

If the initial assessment indicates a possible match, the next logical step is to make an effort to arrange for a face-to-face meeting.

After the meeting, each club should be able to have a feel if it is worth pursuing the sister/twin club agreement.

Unless the intended matched clubs already have established prior engagements, it is advised that a joint project should be taken up so that members from the respective Rotary clubs can get know each other before proceeding with any proposal for a sister/twin club agreement.

Matched sister/twin clubs must also be willing to reciprocate project funding such that funding for a joint project is not only (or always) provided by one club while the other club is only (or always) on the receiving end.



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