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What You May Have Missed in March 2021

Roger Lindley

The regular every other Sunday morning visits by club members to the patients and their families at Burma Children Medical Fund B.K. Kee Patient House here in Chiang Mai where members socialize, play games, bring food and engage in craft projects with the patients and their families. A big thank you to the Chiang Mai International School (CMIS) Interactors for joining us in these activities.

The first and third Fridays of the month Chiang Mai Expats Club breakfasts, where we promote CMIRC and swap "Change for Children" owl banks, were cancelled due to low attendance during Smokey Season.

Tuesday, March 2, CMIRC's regular meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel with the evening program presented by the Interact students from Chiang Mai International School and Unity Concord International School.

Saturday - Monday, March 6 - 8, District 3350's Virtual English Language President Elect Training Seminar (PETS) via Zoom. CP Roger and PE Dylan attended, along with PEs and others from D3350 which includes Bangkok region, Myanmar and Cambodia.

Tuesday, March 9, our 9@9 ZOOM meeting with members who are outside of Chiang Mai.

Tuesday, March 16, CMIRC's regular meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel with the program presented by Wanida Lertvorapreecha Chong (left), advanced doctoral student at Chiang Mai University on the topic "Myanmar Migrant Student Education in Thailand".

Tuesday, March 23, our club board meeting at Royal Peninsula Hotel. Tuesday, March 30, the resumption of our “Fifth Tuesday in the Month” Social Night. This get together was at The Duke’s Restaurant in Maya Mall.


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