The regular bi-weekly visits by club members to the Burma Children Medical Fund (BCMF) B.K. Kee Patient House supplying basic necessities and engaging in friendship, language and game skills.
The continuation of the Children’s Water Safety & Drowning Prevention Project sessions for 4th grade students at the eleven (11) local municipal schools.
August 1st, our first Tuesday of the month CMIRC regular meeting at The Royal Peninsula Hotel. The program was presented by Val Mansfield on the topic “The Chiang Mai Foreign Cemetery”. We inducted three new member Rotarians: Keith, Alexander and Suresh. During “It Will Be Fun Time” Rotarian Myrna led us through the cha-cha with vocal accompaniment by new member Kieth.

On August 9th, the School Vision Screening Project (SVSP) was screening the 3rd and 5th graders at the Wat Ket Karam School.

August 15th, the third Tuesday of the month CMIRC regular meeting at The Royal Peninsula Hotel. Our program was presented by Joey Tell on the “RICD Wheelchair Program”. During “It Will be Fun Time”, Rotarian Myrna, with vocalist Rotarian Keith, led us through the dance moves to “Besame Mucho”.
On August 16th, the School Vision Screening Project (SVSP) was with the 3rd and 5th graders at the Wat Gu Kham School.
August 19th and 20th, the D3360 Vibrant Club Workshop in Uttaradit. The club was represented at the workshop by Rotarians Myrna, Owen, Patrick, John and Roger. Rotarians John and Roger made a presentation regarding the use of social media in the promotion of the development of Global Grant Projects and securing Global Grant partners.

Presentation based on experiences to date with GG #2233068 Water & Sanitation in partnership with the Rotary Club of Fig Garden California, USA. Rotarian Myrna was recognized by District Governor Dr. Wathit Tangrapeelert as a new Paul Harris Fellow (PHF).
On August 23rd, the School Vision Screening Project was screening 3rd and 5th-graders at the Wat Puak Chang School.
August 29th, the trial restart of the fifth Tuesday of the month Pizza Social Night at The Duke’s Maya Mall.
August 29th, ZOOM meeting with our International Partners at Fig Garden Rotary Club (and Rotary Foundation representative) to discuss progress, current status and plans for Water & Sanitation GG #2233068.
On August 30th, the School Vision Screening Project (SVSP) was at the Wat Muen Ngern Gong School screening their 3rd and 5th-grade students.