I’m pleased to report that there have been some exciting additions to the Burma Children Medical Fund B.K. Kee Patient House during August. Thanks to a generous donation from Aussie Fun-d-raiser, an NGO located in Perth, Australia, the house was able to purchase a second sewing machine that will provide additional capacity and opportunities for the patients to improve their skills as they continue their sewing projects. Secondly, the patients and caregivers are benefiting from the time that Intern David Phaibun is spending at the house. Currently, he is using his three hours a week helping the patients and caregivers improve their literacy skills in Karen language, reading and writing. He prepares the lessons ahead of time and divides them into two groups. It was very evident from the short time that Nick and I were there dropping off the supplies that he had everyone focused and engaged. David is also providing tutoring services to a young 12-year-old girl, helping her to improve her English speaking and reading skills. According to employee Klao Sing, it is anticipated that David will be engaging in medical support activities at in the near future. Director Kanchana Thornton plans to have David conduct a small health-related workshop soon. Meanwhile, it is a joy to see the teaching skills he has brought to the house and helping the patients improve their language skills.

On September 5th, the patients, caregivers and staff will have a birthday party. Nick, his partner Pink, Elsie and myself will come in the early afternoon and bring cake, food, beverages, gifts, and party favors for their celebration. We cannot remain for the party as part of the house’s covid protocol, but we are sure they will have an enjoyable time. At this time, I want to thank the “gift givers” who have purchased gifts for the residents and caregivers. Many thanks to Elsie, Sally, Julia, Nancy, Nicha, Pink, Gary, Raphael and Nick for their generous support.
Currently, we are still no longer making regular visits to the house, only supply drops. As soon as the Covid situation improves and we are told that visits may resume, I’ll be sure to let members know. In the meantime, if you’d like to assist in the Teddy Bear drive for patients at Mae Tao Clinic, CP Roger has located some at Central Festival Mall. Large bears were spotted at Moshi Moshi and smaller ones were seen at Miniso. (Both stores are located on the 4th floor) You can read more about the Teddy Bear appeal in Nick’s article.