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August 2023

August holds a special place in the hearts of Thai people as it marks the auspicious occasion of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit's birthday on the 12th. On the same day, the nation also celebrates Mother's Day as a tribute to the Queen's esteemed motherhood. Thais from all walks of life come together to express their love and gratitude for Her Majesty's unwavering dedication to the welfare of the Thai people.

On August 1st, Asalha Bucha Day, the nation commemorates Lord Buddha's first sermon after attaining enlightenment.

Following Asalha Bucha Day, on August 2nd, Thailand celebrates Khao Phansa, also known as Buddhist Lent or the Rain Retreat. Monks retreat to their temples for three months of contemplation and self-discipline. It serves as a time for personal reflection, encouraging us to embark on our own journeys of growth and self-improvement.

Moreover, August is a month of cultural richness, with the fascinating Phi Ta Khon festival taking place in the enchanting Northern Thai province of Loei. This vibrant event, also known as the Ghost Festival, captivates locals and visitors alike with its colorful masks, traditional music, and lively processions. The celebration is a unique blend of spirituality and merriment, reminding us of the diversity and charm that Thailand embodies.

As we immerse ourselves in values of unity, love, and cultural appreciation, we continue to make a positive impact in our beloved community.

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