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Roger Lindley

What You May Have Missed in November 2021

CMIRC members were not able to have their regular every other Sunday morning visits to the patients and their families at Burma Children Medical Fund (BCMF) B.K. Kee Patient House here in Chiang Mai where members socialize, play games, bring food and engage in craft projects with the patients and their families. The Patient House remains closed to visitors during the upsurge in Covid-19 cases in Chiang Mai. Basic supplies are dropped off there every other Sunday.

Chiang Mai Expats Club breakfasts, where we promote CMIRC and swap "Change for Children" owl banks, were cancelled for November due to the Covid-19 cases in Chiang Mai.

Tuesday, November 2, the first Tuesday in the month regular club meeting on ZOOM. The program was presented by CP Roger on the topic “The Rotary Foundation”.

Friday, November 5, Pre-induction meeting (PIM) with prospective member Cesar.

Monday, November 8, Rotary Foundation audit on ZOOM of the Global Grant Peace Project in Hang Dong.

Tuesday, November 9, at 9 pm we had our 9@9 ZOOM meeting to stay in touch with our club members wherever they may be in the world.

Tuesday, November 16, CMIRC third Tuesday of the month ZOOM meeting. Past District Governor (PDG) for Rotary District 3360 Suparie Chatkunyarat presented the program on “Eye Service Foundation - Rotary Club of Chiang Mai North”.

Saturday, November 20, the re-organizational meeting for the Rotaract Club of Payap University with Payap University students at The Duke’s Restaurant at Maya Mall.

Tuesday, November 23, Pre- Induction Meetings (PIM) with prospective members Myrna and David.

Tuesday, November 23, the CMIRC Board Meeting on ZOOM.

Wednesday, November 24, on-line ZOOM meeting with students at Payap University discussing re-organizational plans for Rotaract Club of Payap University.

Monday, November 29, Children's Water Safety & Drowning Prevention Project team meeting with Indiana University (IU) Director of Global Gateway Office, ASEAN to discuss possible collaborative opportunities.

Tuesday, November 30, the 5th Tuesday in the month fun social meeting on ZOOM.


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