CMIRC members were able to resume their regular every other Sunday morning visits to the patients and their families at Burma Children Medical Fund (BCMF) B.K. Kee Patient House here in Chiang Mai where members socialize, play games, bring food and engage in craft projects with the patients and their families. The Patient House remains closed to visitors during the upsurge in Covid-19 cases in Chiang Mai. Basic supplies are dropped off there every other Sunday. The project champion role is transitioning from Rotarian Bill Pierce to Rotarian Gary Herman.
Chiang Mai Expats Club will resume their regular General Meetings are normally on the 4th Saturday of the month – June 25th at the Centara Duang Tawan on Loy Kroh Road. Meet at 9:45 am for coffee, tea and light snacks and to visit sponsor tables. The meeting runs from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. Cost: 100฿ for members, 200฿ for visitors. CMIRC as a community sponsor will return with our presence at the meetings. Chiang Mai Expats Club will resume their CEC Breakfast Club meetings on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. This month they're gathering on June 2nd and June 16th at The Duke’s RUAM CHOK Branch restaurant. From 9:30 am – 11:00 am. As Community Sponsors of CEC, CMIRC members have a table at CEC events where we distribute club publicity items, swap "Change for Children" ceramic owls, recruit new members and raise awareness of the projects/initiatives of the club.
Rotarians Nicha and Bill T. championed the distribution of survival packages of rice and essential dry food items to people in need in Chiang Mai area.
Monday, May 2, ZOOM online meeting of the CMIRC x BEAM Conversation Partners Program 2022. Morning session with CMIRC partners Rtns Colin, Roger, Nick and Gary. Evening session with CMIRC partners Rtns Myrna, Bill T, Nick, Gordana and John. Topic: “Animals/nature in my homeland”.
Tuesday, May 3, the first Tuesday of the month a hybrid (ZOOM & in-person) CMIRC meeting occurred at the Chiang Mai Orchid Hotel. The program was presented by Rotarian David Fagerlie on the topic: “Building Our CMIRC Future: An Interactive Brain Storming Session”.

Saturday and Sunday, May 7 and 8, PE Viki and daughter Charlotte attended the D3360 President Elect Training Seminar (PETS) in Lampang. Viki is pictured above, with her award-winning dance moves at PETS.
Monday, May 9, ZOOM online meeting of the CMIRC x BEAM Conversation Partners Program 2022. Morning session with CMIRC partners Rtns Colin, Roger, Nick and Gary. Evening session with CMIRC partners Rtns Myrna, Bill T, Nick, Gordana and John.
Monday, May 9, we had our 9@9 ZOOM meeting to stay in touch with our club members wherever they may be in the world.
Tuesday, May 17, Water and Sanitation Global Grant application review on ZOOM with International Club sponsors in California.
Tuesday, May 17, CMIRC third Tuesday of the month meeting (a hybrid meeting) at the Chiang Mai Orchid Hotel. The program was presented by Interact students from Chiang Mai International School (CMIS) and Unity Concord International School (UCIS), pictured with the CMIS, below.

Saturday and Sunday, May 21 and 22, D3360 District Training Assembly (DTA) in Phrae. Assembly attended by Rotarians Myrna, Raphael, Nancy and Roger.
Monday, May 16, ZOOM online meeting of the CMIRC x BEAM Conversation Partners Program 2022. Morning session with CMIRC partners Rtns Colin, Roger, Nick and Gary. Evening session with CMIRC partners Rtns Myrna, Bill T, Nick, Gordana and John.
Monday, April 25, our final ZOOM online meeting of the CMIRC x BEAM Conversation Partners Program 2022. Morning session with CMIRC partners Rtns Colin, Roger, Nick and Gary. Evening session with CMIRC partners Rtns Myrna, Bill T, Nick, Gordana and John.
Thursday, May 26, the monthly CMIRC Board meeting at Nakornping Condo.
Thursday, May 26, Fundraising Committee meeting at Nakornping Condo.
Friday & Saturday, May 27 & 28, the Chiang Mai International Rotary Club (CMIRC) Volunteer Team (Rotarians Myrna, Niwatchai, Raphael, Gary, John and Roger) information gathering and assessment visit to the Sustainable Cocoa Tree and Areca Palm Demonstration Farm in Agroforestry Project in Takhli, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand.
Sunday, May 29, CMIRC in-person (Rotarians Gary, Bill and Nick with partner Pink) visit to the BCMF B.K. Kee Patient House celebrated with Bingo, gifts, snacks and drinks for the residents.