On Wednesday, February 1, Rotarians from CMIRC met visiting Rotarians from District 5230 who are supporting the Rotary Foundation Water and Sanitation Global Grant. Socializing at the Dusit D2 Hotel, then dinner at the Khao Mao Khao Fang Restaurant.

On Wednesday, February 1, the official relocation of the CMIRC Foundation office to Nakornping Condominium Room 115.
On Tuesday, February 7, the first Tuesday of the month regular meeting of CMIRC. The guest speaker was Dr Taryi Wint speaking on “Current Situation in Myanmar: Perspective from a Health Care Personnel’. (See photo on the left.)
On Saturday, February 18, CMIRC members, Kru Payu Swim and visiting Australian swim instructors met for dinner at Khao Mao Khao Fang Restaurant. While here, the Australian team provided training and instructor certification for our Thai swim instructor partners. (See photo below.)

On Monday, February 20, the Rotary Grants Training Seminar in Bangkok.

On Tuesday, February 21, the third Tuesday of the month regular meeting of CMIRC. Induction of new club member Yao; presentation by PP Santi Chatterjee and Dr Sombat Topanga on “Cultivating a Peace Culture in School”. Also, Eve Fraser, Charter President of the cause-based Global Eater Safety and Drowning Prevention Rotary Club, talked about her newly chartered club. (See photo above.)

On Thursday, February 23, the official birthday of Rotary.
On Thursday, February 23, Service Appreciation Dinner at the Gymkhana Club, recognizing the people and organizations that have contributed to the success of CMIRC in improving child safety, health and education in Northern Thailand. Also, recognition of CMIRC’s 9th birthday and Rotary’s 118th birthday.
On Saturday, February 25, CMIRC had a sponsor table at the Chiang Mai Expats Club regular meeting.