CMIRC members were able to have one of their regular every other Sunday morning visits to the patients and their families at Burma Children Medical Fund B.K. Kee Patient House here in Chiang Mai where members socialize, play games, bring food and engage in craft projects with the patients and their families during April before the Patient House was closed to visitors during the upsurge in Covid-19 cases in Chiang Mai.
The first and third Fridays of the month Chiang Mai Expats Club breakfasts, where we promote CMIRC and swap "Change for Children" owl banks, were cancelled due for April to low attendance during Smokey Season.
Monday, April 5, the CMIRC Children's Water Safety & Drowning Prevention Program committee met at Bronco Kids Sport Club with representatives from the US Military Civil Affairs Group to exchange information and preliminary plans around the Civil Affairs group Navy SEAL members staging water survival training for children in Nong Khai.

Tuesday, April 6, CMIRC's regular meeting at the Royal Peninsula Hotel with the evening program presented by our club Past President John Schorr PhD (above) on the topic "Thailand and SE Asia: A Demographic Look at the Future". We learned of implications to the region related to the effects of fertility, mortality and immigration.
Friday, April 9, our monthly 9@9 ZOOM meeting which helps our members outside of Chiang Mai and Thailand stay connected with club members and activities here in Chiang Mai.
Tuesday, April 20, due to the recent surge of Covid-19 infections in Chiang Mai, our regular meeting was held as a ZOOM-only meeting. The scheduled program presenter was unable to attend and the program segment was replaced with a member catch-up session finding out about our individual members' current situation and activities.
Tuesday, April 27, meeting of the CMIRC Fundraising Committee using ZOOM due to the surge of Covid-19 infections in Chiang Mai.
Tuesday, April 27, the monthly CMIRC Board meeting held using ZOOM due to the surge of Covid-19 infections in Chiang Mai.
Friday, April 30, our last Friday of the month “Let’s Talk Rotary” informal lunch gathering was called off due to the surge of Covid-19 infections in Chiang Mai.