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President's Message For October 2022

Viki Thomason

Let me start with a flashback: District 3360 Governor Supaluck Lohajoti visited the Chiang Mai International Rotary Club (CMIRC) on September 13, 2022. The DG Supaluck first met the Board of Directors, then joined our regular meeting later in the evening. We had a massive turnout with many guests, Interactors from the Chiang Mai International School (CMIS) and Unity Concord International School (UCIS), Payap University Rotaract Club, and potential members. We had a great evening. DG Supaluck was pleased with our club and commended CMIRC for our charitable efforts and service.

Our School Vision Screening team examined students at the Wat Chiang Yuen, Wat Sri Suphan, Sri Ping Muang, and Wat Muen Ngern Gong Municipal Schools.

Charter President Roger Lindley, Past President John Schorr, and Rotarian Kim White participated in the English language proficiency evaluation of D3360 Rotary Youth Exchange outbound student applicants for Rotary Year 2023-2024 at UNISERVE.

My husband, Dylan, and I held a presentation on the Children's Winter Clothing Appeal Project at the Chiang Mai Expats Club. As you may know, Dylan is the Champion of this initiative. I often assist him with location scouting, preparations, deliveries etc. We spoke about our adventures while delivering clothing donations.

October has started very busily for the Chiang Mai International Rotary Club. We updated its Child Protection Policy and will organize a child protection training/workshop for our members and volunteers.

The CMIRC Water & Sanitation Global Grant Project Committee, led by Past President John Schorr, participated in successful meetings with the Rotary Club of Fig Garden, California, and the Integrated Tribal Development Foundation regarding the joint Global Grant application. We have submitted our application and keeping our fingers crossed for early approval.

I am delighted to announce that our 2022 Children’s Winter Clothing Appeal launched on October 15, 2022. We collect warm clothes, blankets, shoes, and toys and distribute them to vulnerable children and families living in the hills of Northern Thailand. This project is particularly close to my heart since I live in the mountains too and know how cold it can get during the Thai winter (i.e. cool season). You do need to wear warm clothes and sleep under heavy cover. The initiative runs until December 1. Do you have clothes to donate, or are you looking to contribute in other ways? Please, read the related article in the CMIRC Bulletin to see how you can help.

The Chiang Mai International Rotary Club is preparing for the return of our super fun and popular fundraiser, the Golf Ball Drop. The event will take place on November 5, 2022, at the Chiang Mai Expats Club Barbecue at Horizon Village & Resort. Tickets cost 1,000 Bt a piece. You do not need to be present to win. Tickets are available to purchase from any CMIRC member or online at For more information about the Golf Ball Drop 2022, read the announcement, email or call 080-494-5573.


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