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King Bhumibol Adulyadej

CMI Rotary

By Shana Kongmun

As a long-time resident of Thailand I learned of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s great work for his people, I remember being amazed at watching His Majesty every night on television in a segment I named “King news” as it was a full hour of His Majesty’s work as well as that of his wife Her Majesty Queen Sirikit, his mother Princess Mother Srinagaranda, his sister and children. He traveled to the most remote places in the country, meeting with people, listening to their problems and finding solutions.

He was a great inventor with many patents to his name and it is his Royal Rain Making that was patented in 1999 and has been used around the world. The method seeds clouds in a “super sandwich,” pilots disperse environmentally friendly chemicals to form cool and warm clouds at different altitudes. He invented a method to obtain biofuel out of palm oil and the low-cost Chaipattana aerator, a paddle wheel that is used in rivers, canals and marshes to counter water pollution. He was a composer and musician, many of his pieces can be found online, he loved jazz and composed nearly 50 pieces, some of which made it into a musical play. You can listen to his many compositions here One of my favorites is “Blue Day” which can be found on YouTube:

His Majesty the King was thrust into a position for which he was unprepared and yet turned his hopes and dreams, his aspirations and goals from himself to his country and the people of Thailand. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej said, “We cannot be alone and still be happy if others around us are suffering. Instead we should share their suffering and help ease their troubles according to our ability and capability.” His selfless dedication to the people of Thailand and his tireless efforts to improve the lives of the Thai people serve as an example to us all. Although His Majesty was not a Rotarian he truly lived the Rotary ideals of service above self.

We mourn the loss of our beloved King Bhumibol Adulyadej. His Royal Highness reigned for 70 years and most Thais have known no other monarch in their lifetimes. His accomplishments, and his compassion for his people are know around the world. Often he is referred to as Beloved Father.

With Deep Respect,

Shana Kongmun

Mourners gather outside of the Grand Palace to sing for a recording of the royal anthem in honour of Thailand's late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, in Bangkok, Thailand, October 22, 2016. REUTERS/Jorge Silva


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